3 May 2024
Ćwiczenie z trenerem personalnym - wybierz swojego przewodnika i motywatora

Ćwiczenie z trenerem personalnym - wybierz swojego przewodnika i motywatora

Exercise with a personal trainer – choose your guide and motivator

Exercise with a personal trainer – choose your guide and motivator: we all want to be active and we want sport and a healthy diet to be an important place in our lives. It is worth remembering about balance and planning your activity several times a week. Some exercise every day because they believe that a day without gymnastics is a day wasted. Of course, a lot here depends on our capabilities.

Exercise and diet – take care of yourself with a personal trainer

Sometimes we can’t motivate ourselves to exercise. So we need a personal trainer. This is a person who will not only tell us what exercises will be best for us, but also motivate us accordingly. Some people think that working with a trainer is like talking to a psychologist. Often it is a person who will understand our needs and tell us how to start exercising. The most important thing is to organize our activity in our head.

Some people are quite passive and prefer entertainment that does not require much involvement from them. It is definitely more difficult for such people to extract energy from themselves. That’s when it’s a good idea to use the services of a personal trainer. First, however, it would be good to assess which sport is closest to us. Any activity is good, whether it’s running, rollerblading, cycling, swimming in the pool or going to the gym. Sometimes, however, there are certain medical contraindications and in the case of certain diseases, certain exercises should not be performed. Therefore, if we are in poor health, it is worth making sure what the doctor thinks about our sport.

It may be that running, and especially long distances, will put a lot of strain on our joints – especially if we are very overweight. So you have to act wisely then. A personal trainer is a person who has a lot of knowledge, so we can be calm about our safety and health. He will definitely recommend exercises that will not cause any injuries. After all, we do sports to feel better, to feel a surge of energy and enjoy the day.

Satisfaction with sport

It is very good if we come back from training and feel a surge of joy and positive well-being. This is a sign that the appropriate hormones have been secreted in our body. This is due to the outdoor activities. However, the weather is not always favorable. That’s why it’s worth going to the gym from time to time. Some people have bought a pass, which motivates them to visit this place on a regular basis. Some people need a lot of determination. Unfortunately, it happens that we neglect our body, leading to overweight. We have bad eating habits and it is difficult for us to change our lives, and this is a key issue. Changing your lifestyle is a priority. Otherwise, we will never lose weight, and even if we do, it is very likely that we will return to the old weight.

Therefore, if you eat French fries, quick casseroles and generally processed food too often, you consume a lot of sugar and you do not move much, then first of all you need to change your attitude and lifestyle. There’s no other way. However, we must understand that we do not lose anything in connection with this. On the contrary, new habits will be much better and give us more satisfaction. Of course, sometimes the easy solutions seem to be the best – a pizza out or a snack bar for lunch are very tempting. They do not require time and commitment from us. We like simple solutions, but there is no doubt that you need to make some effort to enjoy a perfect figure and health. Some people have found that it is worth starting with the method of small steps. Many personal trainerssuggests that exercise is not everything. You also need to take care of your diet.

Be patient while waiting for the results

If our body has a place to obtain valuable nutrients, then the training will give much better and more noticeable effects. Some people feel discouraged after two or three weeks because they believe that their body has not changed at all and the scale has not even moved. In fact, it can be demotivating, especially if we have decided to make very specific changes in our lives. This may mean that consultation with a doctor is required, but most often it takes longer to see the effects. Sometimes the body defends itself against weight loss and if we provide it with too few calories, it stores fat, so you have to be patient here, and then no yo-yo effect will be terrible for us.

It is also worth remembering not to give up everything at once. From time to time you can afford a little pleasure, but it is best to choose what does not harm us. If sweets are our weakness, it is worth eliminating all chocolate bars and cookies, but bitter chocolate or sesame seeds from time to time will not do us much harm. It is best to replace sugar with honey so that our mind does not feel too much of a sense of loss. With time, everything will stabilize and we will not miss our favorite sweets so much. So if you are looking for a good personal trainer, remember that changing your lifestyle requires a lot of commitment from you, and the trainer will help you achieve your goal.